OhhSooCute! is committed to delivering your order within the fastest time frame, while ensuring the highest quality packaging. Before we can ship your order, we have to prepare your order, the processing time varies with each product as mentioned in the individual product description.
Delivery of all orders will be duly done to the address as mentioned by you at the time of placing the order, in case of any modification, reach out to us at support@ohhsoocute.com before the order has been dispatched.
The delivery time may increase at certain times of the year (Black Friday, Sinterklaas, Valentine’s Day, Christmas, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, etc.) due to overloading of the transport company, and other possible scenarios.
Within the Eindhoven Netherlands: We ship through PostNL/DHL to ensure that your order reaches you in good condition, in the shortest span of time. Delivery is Free within Eindhoven City , Netherlands. All orders are mostly delivered within 1-2 working days from the date of dispatch.
Within the Rest of Netherlands: We ship through PostNL/DHL to ensure that your order reaches you in good condition, in the shortest span of time. You are charged 3,95 Euros for shipping irrespective of the number of products in your cart. All orders are mostly delivered within 1-2 working days from the date of dispatch. All orders above 75 Euros qualify for free shipping within the Netherlands.
Rest of Europe: We ship through DHL/PostNL to ensure that your order reaches you in good condition, in the shortest span of time. You are charged 7,95 Euros for shipping irrespective of the number of products in your cart. Delivery Times for depends on your location, All orders are mostly delivered within 3-10 working days from the date of dispatch. All orders above 100 Euros qualify for free shipping within the rest of Europe.